2 thoughts on “JANUARY 2020 IFS MEETING (OSU)

  1. laned@sou.edu

    January 25, 2020 MINUTES
    Memorial Union 221, Oregon State University

    X Amy Garcia
    Amy Miller Juve
    Annette Totten
    Becky Sanchez (remote)
    Bill Harbaugh
    Devora Shapiro
    Donna Lane
    X Elizabeth Skowron
    X Elliot Berkman
    Emily Plec
    Goran Jovanovic
    X Mark Clark
    X Matthew Sleep
    McKenzie Huber
    Michael Sell
    Mike Myers
    Nasser Said-Al-Naief
    X Robert Kyr
    X Rowanna Carpenter
    Susan Shaw
    Tad Shannon
    X Yves Labissiere


    Donna Lane
    Call to Order
    Meeting called to order at 8:47
    Bill Harbaugh
    HECC Funding Advisory Group Report
    Bill asked local legislators to come to talk to class about state funding. Discovered that universities registered little at state-level. In general, the legislature doesn’t see higher ed as something central, unlikely to see increases in state funding any time soon.
    Corporate activities tax is like inverse sales tax that customers don’t pay. It passed, but will be challenged by a voter initiative.
    Nothing posted yet for upcoming session on OLIS, so we don’t really know what might be coming.
    In last long session, universities and HECC had big capital request through PUSF (Public University Support Fund). Legislators were irate bc no real logic in prioritization of projects, rejected it. HECC commissioned a study to justify numbers.
    HECC report showed little need for new construction (based on current capacity) and overestimation of future enrollment numbers.
    Link to report
    Since FY12, we have been receiving more funding, but still below FY08 levels.
    State funding through 5 channels:
    PUSF – operating expense
    OBF – funding per graduates
    SCH – funding per credit hour expense/student
    Earmarks (Mission Differentiation) – “ inherently political in nature”
    Public Univ State Programs – extensions, etc.
    Statewide Public Service Programs (SWPS) – funding three OSU programs
    Sports Lottery
    Public Univ Debt Service
    PUSF vital to smaller institutions. Getting more % of operating expenses through PUSF.
    Employers don’t need to lobby legislature for higher ed funding when they can hire graduates from out of state schools.
    Does tuition directly drive enrollment numbers?
    How much of the untapped market of HS grads are going into trades?

    Bill Harbaugh
    Legislative Session Discussion/Review
    See above section

    Donna Lane
    Provost Representation/CC Oversight Committee
    Bill H has stepped up to fill John K-M’s role on Provost Council.
    Donna accepting nominations for CC Oversight Committee position.

    By-laws revision(s)
    Past president line being added as Article 6. Former Article 6 moved to new Article 7.
    We want continuity and expertise w/in exec committee.
    With Bill H doubling up as VP and Provost Council rep, we are down one member on exec committee. Donna taking noms for at-large position on exec council.
    Amy Miller Juve accepts position by unanimous consent
    “At the invitation of current exec council, past members may be appointed as ex-officio members of exec committee…” – language amended by Bill H
    Tad moves to approve language as written
    Bill seconds
    Motion passes

    Further Discussion Items
    4-year degrees – stay close with Veronica as situation develops. Patrick (HECC) maybe attending next IFS meeting to discuss. HECC will vote on language/process at their April meeting.
    UO proposed tuition model – guaranteed tuition for undergrads, where UO commits to not raise tuition over 4 years. Incoming freshmen would have to burden decreases in state funding. CA schools are offering this as an option to students.
    OSU building student housing in Newport – capacity is for 500 students on new campus. $10M project projected to lose money for first 5 years.

    Future Meetings and Topics
    Future topics
    OSU Bac Core
    OIT Gen Ed revision
    Student mental health
    CC 4-year degrees (HECC)

    Meeting adjourned at 12:28pm
    Minutes prepared by Michael Sell,
    Minutes finalized by Michael Sell 5/15/20

    Motions + Seconds
    Motion passes/Vote approval
    Motion rejected/Vote failed
    Changes or notifications

    Link to abbreviations

  2. laned@sou.edu

    IFS Meeting
    January 24-25, 2020

    Location: Memorial Union Building, 2501 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis, Board Room 221

    Campus Map/Parking: Map of campus is located at the end of the agenda. Parking instruction will follow in a later email.

    FRIDAY, January 24, 2020

    12:00 Lunch
    New Member Introduction

    12:00-1:30 OSU Welcome:
    Alix Gitelman- Vice Provost of Student Affairs
    Katie Fast, Director, Government Relations, OSU

    OSU Faculty Senate Report- Dwaine Plaza

    1:30-2:30 HECC – Veronica Dujon (call-in)- Bill Harbaugh

    2:30-3:00 HECC Report (OTAC) HB2998- Tad Shannon

    3:00-3:15 Voting and Amend Bylaws- Donna Lane

    3:15-4:15 Community College Council Collaboration, CC partners (Jim Salt and Traci Hodgson)-Rob Kyr

    4:15-5:30 Standardize College Entry Test, OSU Presentation, Jon Boeckenstedt (OSU Vice Provost for Enrollment)

    6:00 Dinner: Del Alma, 136 SW Washington Ave, Corvallis, OR 97333

    IFS Meeting at OSU; Agenda, Jan 24-25, 2020 (cont.)

    SATURDAY, January 25, 2020

    8:00 Breakfast

    8:45- 9:15 HECC funding advisory group- Bill Harbaugh

    9:15-9:45 Legislative Session Discussion and Review- Bill Harbaugh

    9:45-10:00 Provost Representation/Community College Oversight Comm.

    10:00-10:15 Further Discussion Items previous/new topics
    Suggested topics: Four-year degrees at community colleges
    UO proposed tuition model
    OSU student housing in Newport

    10:30-11:50 Campus Reports:
    • WOU
    • UO
    • SOU
    • PSU
    • OIT
    • OSU
    • OHSU
    • EOU

    11:45-11:50 Future Meetings and Topics

    11:50-12:30 Linus Pauling Collection at the OSU Library, Tour

    12:30 Adjournment

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